Meet Team Johanna

Hello! We are Team Johanna, one of 8 teams competing to raise money for CelebrARTy 2024, benefitting Access Arts!​

Johanna Cox

Johanna Cox

“CELEBRITY” - Veterans United

Rebecca Allen


Chase Thompson


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Help us spread the word about ​CelebrARTy at the Blue Note ​on September 17, 2024!

Hit that share button on the ​event page then post to your ​timeline and any local groups ​you’re a part of.

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Make a donation to Access Arts, or ​buy your ticket to the CelebrARTy ​event using our Team link

This a friendly competition ​among teams, so please use our ​direct link so we get points for ​your donation!

Here’s what we’re up to!

Access Arts & CelebrARTy

Each year Access Arts pairs local celebrities with ​local artists to form eight creative teams. Each ​team works together to create art pieces in the ​medium of their choice, and compete against one ​another to raise funds for Access Arts. The creation ​of each piece is captured by a videographer ​assigned to each team. In September Access Arts ​hosts a big community event, called CelebrARTy, ​where attendees watch the films and can bid on ​these works of art! It’s an evening of fun and ​friendly competition as we come together to ​support and raise funds for this great organization ​in our community.

Our Art Project


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We invite you to help us capture the story of life in ​Boone County this Saturday, July 20, 2024. Our ​goal with this collaborative photography project is ​to create a coffee table book showcasing a curated ​collection of images, each one photographed by a ​different member of our community within a 24-​hour period. By arranging these photographs in ​chronological order, the book aims to narrate the ​diverse human experiences and interests of the ​people of Boone County over the course of a single ​day. This coffee table book is going to be the art ​piece we will auction off at CelebrARTy in ​September.

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Need help figuring out what to ​document on July 20th?

We want to see slices of daily life. Show us how you live, work and ​play! Show us what you love about living in BoCoMo! Some ideas...

  • home life, daily routines
  • early morning and late night activities
  • at work; on the job
  • sporting events & recreation
  • hobbies
  • farming & gardening
  • social events & gatherings
  • scenery/landscapes/nature
  • cooking/food
  • religious practices
  • cultural traditions
  • urban & street scenes
  • anything that makes Boone County special to you!

The submission window has closed.

Thank you again for your support with our ​project. We will post an update here as we ​figure out a way for everyone to see the final ​design after the auction is over in September.

In the meantime, please refer to the links ​above for other ways you can support the ​mission of Access Arts by making a donation ​or buying a ticket to CelebrARTy in ​September so you can bid on our final ​product!

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To me, photography is an art of observation.

It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary ​place...I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see ​and everything to do with the way you see them.”

– Elliott Erwitt

From the Artist: How the idea for this project came about

In April I received an email and phone call from Access Arts board president, Kate Stull, inviting me to be ​a part of the this year’s annual CelebrARTy fundraiser. It sounded like a really unique and fun experience, ​so I jumped on board, but, truthfully, I was nervous about the task at hand. How do I turn my storytelling ​photography into a tangible and collaborative piece of art, worthy of being auctioned off at a fundraising ​event? How can we get the community involved in making this piece? What can we create that people can ​relate to, see value in and want to be a part of? Will anyone want to buy the final product? I had so many ​questions running through my mind.

Then I decided to focus on a quote by American documentary photographer Elliott Erwitt (referenced ​above) which appears on the homepage of my website and has influenced my photography for the past ​24+ years. My work has always been about the “art of observation”. I have trained myself to look for the ​beauty in the little things, to the find the artistic potential in unexpected and ordinary places that some ​might otherwise overlook. Its a bit hard to explain, but I see pictures everywhere, everyday, in everything I ​do. It’s just how I view the world. Then it struck me. What if we created a photo essay in the form of a book ​chronicling the experiences of people in Boone County through their own observations?

With the evolution of digital photography and cell phone cameras, photography is more accessible ​than ever before, and people are documenting their lives more in depth than ever before. Taking ​inspiration from other community-sourced documentary projects, in particular a book published in ​2012 titled “A Day in the World” and a film produced in 2011 titled “Life in a Day”, we’ve decided to ​embark on a similar project, curating a one-of-a-kind photographic record that captures the essence ​of Boone County through the eyes of those living and working in it. I hope you can contribute to this ​community day of photography on Saturday! I’m excited to see how you see the world around you!

Do I need to have photography experience to participate

Not at all! You just need access to a digital camera and the internet ​for uploading your photos. We welcome people of all ages, ​experiences and backgrounds to take part in this!

Is it okay for me use my cell ph​one?

Absolutely! Most people will. But you can use any digital camera ​you have access to.

Where do I upload my photos? What is the deadline?

You will upload your photos (two, maximum), to a Google form ​that we will add near the top of this website on July 20th. You will ​have 48 hours after the end of the day to upload your photos. We ​will shut the submission form down at midnight on July 22.

Will you use everyone’s photos? How will you choose?

It depends on how many submissions we get. We’d love to ​include every image suitable for publication, but it’s likely w​e will have to narrow down what makes that cut due to pag​e limitations. Johanna and Rebecca will make the selections​ together and Reb​ecca will design the book.


What if I’m unable to attend CelebrARTy? Will ​the photos be viewable online or in some other form?​

We realize this has the potential to involve a lot of people that ​won’t be able to attend CelebrARTy or bid on the final product ​and therefore won’t get to see how their photo was used. We ​are considering ways to share the images online so that e​veryone can see and appreciate the final result of this c​ommunity effort in some way. Stay tuned!

Ho​w can we attend CelebrARTy?

You can buy your ticket to the event by clicking the purple ​Donate button on our Team’s donation page, linked below. ​Using our specific link to buy your tickets or to donate to ​the fundraiser translates into points for our Team. And we want ​the most points​ ;)

doodle freehand drawing of missouri state map.

Thank you to Veterans United Home Loans for ​sponsoring Team Johanna !

Thank you for taking the time to learn about this ​unique event and fundraiser. Please reach out if you ​have any questions!

  • - Johanna, Rebecca & Chase


